That's what I've been thinking for the past year or so! I can't believe they've just noticed.
I mean, come on. Gilly blasted three fours in the first over while playing for his team Deccan Chargers against the Royal Challengers. And that's from my memory. I never forget anything that Gilly does. He made 71 off 45 balls. Now, you gotta admit, even at the age of 37, he's still got it. WHOO HOO!
At the moment, DC are at the top of the leader board.
Change of captain, uniform and attitude. They can do it this year, I'm sure of it.
Ok, now back to the match, 22 April 2009. That was two days ago. Sorry about the late post, I've been busy. So yeah, I stayed up for the entire thing watching Gilly's team strive for victory. I always wake up at 12:00pm nowadays so that I have the energy to stay up and watch these matches. I'm devoted and proud of it and here's proof.
Wow, my voice sounds weird...
ANYWAY, yeah, see that? I took that with my mobile phone. I'm devoted.
Moving on. Gilly and Rohit were awesome. They were the stand out batsmen in that match. Actually, well done to the entire team! They're way different from last year, thank God.
If you're a fan of DC, good on you. :)
They're next match is on 25 April, Saturday. Thankfully, it's 8:00pm AEST.
I'll be watching.
Go Deccan Chargers.
Rest In Peace, Amy
15 years ago